This was the 2013 Hanfparade (Hemp Parade). According to the organisers, 6,500 people came together in Berlin last weekend to demonstrate for the legalisation of cannabis . Their motto: “My choice – legal cannabis!”
All participants – some of them in fancy costumes, others with self-made posters and banners – had the same ambition. They raised their voices against the government’s paternalism politics with regards to hemp and cannabis in Germany. Together they demonstrated for freedom of choice and the liberty to make individual decisions when it comes to live style, personality and – in this particular case – cannabis consumption. By forbidding cannabis, politics bereave people of one of the world’s oldest cultivated plants, instead clearing the road for criminals and the black market. Many protestors had made boards through which they could communicate their arguments of which these two:
“Legalisation is protection of minors!! The dealer on the schoolyard does not ask for an ID, but the Headshop does.”
“Protection of minors? Yes, absolutely!! Legal sales in a shop would put a stop to dealers’ games.”