Despite being illegal in many European Country, cannabis cultivation is becoming more and more popular as a way to avoid organised crime. To most of the first time growers, the main problem is: where to start?
Well, the starting point would be not to invest too heavily in order to avoid that utter feeling of disappointment when something goes wrong. Although the plant is called weed for very good reasons – a tough and vigorous herb some people might not want in their garden – it takes a little preparation and caution to ensure it has everything needed to flourish from cannabis seeds to full-blown cannabis plants.
Preparation is the first step as and, to be well prepared, you need to choose the right genetics for your first time. Here’s a short introduction to the three main family of the cannabis plant growers are interested in.
The Sativa and Indica genetics are both depending on the photoperiod to start to produce flowers, while the Ruderalis family is the only one that start flowering when they reached their sexual maturity.
So let’s look at the characteristic of each starting with the later:
Cannabis Ruderalis comes from the northern regions of Russia, and has been used for centuries as a source of fiber. The original cultivar actually didn’t produce much cannabinoids but recent work of hybridization with Indica or Sativa genome resulted in more potent cannabis. Furthermore, they complete a grow cycle within usually 8 to 10 weeks and grow to a manageable height, making it an ideal plant for indoor growing as well as beginners.
Cannabis Sativa is the tropical “cousin” that grows in an almost opposite environment. This might explain the cannabinoid make-up which is much richer in THC compared to CBD. As a result of the high temperatures and humidity levels all year long, Sativas grow taller and thinner to evacuate more of that heat and vapor. Besides, because of the little variation in the photoperiod around the equator, the flowering phase can take months to reach its full maturity. Sativa strains can be grown indoor but require a minimum of experience.
Finally, Cannabis Indica comes from the mountains around the Himalayas, across India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, where they have been selected for century as hash cultivars. Because altitude has an influence on the production of essential oils, Indica plants yield a lot of trichomes containing high levels of both THC and CBD. Eventually, this ever changing mountain climate turned Indicas into short yet tough plants, flowering quickly yet depending on the photoperiod and rich in psychoactive cannabinoids. These characteristics makes it an ideal candidate for indoor cultivation as well as for beginners.
Source: Sensi Seeds