Featured News
A Beekeeper has Trained Bees to Make Honey from Cannabis Resin
Cannahoney, anyone? Many people are calling the man who trained bees to make honey from marijuana a genius. It is something many have talked about doing, but no one has been able to successfully pull it off. At least until now, of course. His name is Nicholas Trainer — nicknamed Nicholas Trainerbees. He is 39-years-oldRead More …
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25 Idaho children to take part in cannabis oil program
Cannabis oil will be used in Idaho to help some children suffering from persistent seizures. Gov. Otter signed an executive order in April allowing the very limited use of the drug, and that program is only a couple of weeks away from starting. Twenty-five children will be selected to take part in the program andRead More …
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Medical pot producers awaiting approval to sell now-legal cannabis oils in Canada
TORONTO — A number of Canada’s medical marijuana growers are poised to release cannabis oils for authorized patients who don’t want to smoke or vaporize the dried herb to relieve symptoms. In July, Health Canada gave growers the green light to begin producing the plant-based extracts, which are expected to be approved for sale inRead More …
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United States’ first marijuana resort to be opened in South Dakota
The Santee Sioux is opening the nation’s first marijuana resort on its reservation in South Dakota. The experiment could offer a new money-making model for tribes nationwide seeking economic opportunities beyond casinos. Santee Sioux leaders plan to grow their own marijuana and sell it in a smoking lounge that will include a nightclub, arcade games,Read More …
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The Different forms of Cannabis Extractions for the layman
Cannabis and what we understand of it today, is at best an imprecise science! However with the data and research adding up daily it is moving into interesting realms of legitimacy never experienced before! The community of Cannabis growers and users have made the small steps throughout the Cannabis timeline of Prohibition to get itRead More …
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25 March 2016 at 15:47A Beekeeper has Trained Bees to Make Honey from Cannabis Resin
21 October 2015 at 12:4725 Idaho children to take part in cannabis oil program
7 October 2015 at 11:52Medical pot producers awaiting approval to sell now-legal cannabis oils in Canada
1 October 2015 at 10:42United States’ first marijuana resort to be opened in South Dakota
23 September 2015 at 12:33The Different forms of Cannabis Extractions for the layman
Marijuana activist Jack Herer featured in New Venice Beach mural
Muralist Brian “TAZROC” Garcia has completed his latest public art installation,...
Makey makey, an invention kit for everyone
Let’s say you load up a piano. Then, instead of using the computer keyboard...
Talking Shoe
To explore the world of connected objects, Art, Copy & Code has partnered with...
The 10 most annoying concert behaviors
Going to rock concerts has always meant dealing with a bunch of unruly people, many...
Product Flash
Dutch Passion are celebrating two new Cannabis Cup successes
Night Queen, Dutch Passions hard-hitting original Afghani indica, won 1st...
Bioponics is a strange hybrid
Bioponics is a strange hybrid, it is the encounter of hydroponics with organics,...
From South America with love, Dutch Passion introduce Desfrán
Dutch Passion have introduced Desfrán, a pure South American photoperiod old-school...
Everybody Loves Bob Marley’s Collie
Reggae, ganja and the name of Bob Marley are, for many people, practically synonymous....